Friday, July 8, 2011

Follow Friday!

As a personal challenge and a way to start this blog I am going to give recognition to some amazing people; whether it be musicians, artists, photographers, educators, fellow bloggers, or just everyday people. Hence the name, Follow Friday. So here it goes, meet Jenn:
I am Jennifer Crowder (formerly Jennifer Williams), sole photographer of Stretch Photos. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in Photography from The University of Texas at San Antonio. I am based in San Antonio, TX, and I have been shooting portraits for over 7 years now.

My work is often a blend of fine art and fashion. It's quirky, colorful, fun and exciting. I love to create sets, or find amazing locations that help tell stories. My main goal in every portrait is to stretch beyond conventional photography, and capture a person, or group of persons in a way that really digs down deep into who they are- or who they want to be portrayed as.
Jenn is currently shooting day 48 of her 365 Day Project which involves her doing "mini-shoots" everyday for one year. Below are a few examples:

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