Thursday, September 8, 2011

Picture Puzzle Pieces - 7th grade Groups 1 & 2 videos

Picture Puzzle Pieces by Shel Silverstein

Picture Puzzle Pieces is one of the best illustrations of alliteration poems by Shel Silverstein.
How does Shel Silverstein use the alliteration to make this a sad poem rather than a humourous one?
One immediately feels sympathy for the "picture puzzle piece" lying all on its own on the sidewalk and getting soaked in the rain. With the emphasis on the p-p-p sound the audience is sharply aware that it is a single part of a puzzle and is missing its whole.Ask the students to softly murmur the p-p-p sound while you read the poem to them. What does it sound like? (raindrops falling)
Provide students with paper, crayons, markers and invite them to illustrate what they think is on the puzzle piece by using the clues from the poem e.g. 'button of blue' , or 'Bobo the Bear'.

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