Thursday, February 9, 2012

IDIOMS - 8th Grade

An idiom is a phrase that is made up of words which can't be understood by literal, or ordinary, meaning. For example, the idiom, or expression, "hit the road", has nothing to do with going out your door and smacking your street. It really means "go away".

Below is a list of some common idioms and their actual meanings.

Actual Meaning
Cross that bridge when you come to it.

Don't worry about problems until they actually happen.
hit the hay
go to bed
raining cats and dogs
raining hard
on cloud nine
very happy; joyous
once in a blue moon
almost never; not very often

One a separate sheet of paper, write the idiom found in each sentence and next to it, the actual meaning. You will need to use context clues to figure out the real meanings if you have never heard of the idiom before.

1. If you don't hand in your report, you will miss the boat for an "A".

2. Tomorrow is Jack's surprise party, so don't let the cat out of
the bag when you see him.

3. When Erin didn't do her homework and failed the quiz, her mom
hit the roof.

4. Joe is down in the dumps since his friend moved away.

5. Mary wasn't paying attention and seemed out in left field when
the teacher called on her.

6. George said I would lose, but since I didn't, he will have to eat his

7. You shouldn't spend an arm and a leg on a foolish video game!

8. He went out on a limb and asked the principal if he could miss
class to go to the party.

9. All I said was I didn't feel like doing my work and the teacher
jumped down my throat.

10. When Sara didn't turn in her project, her "A" went down the

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