Monday, August 29, 2011

8th Grade Mythological Creatures

This week our 8th graders are studying Myths.  Our assignment today was to break into pairs, and create a Mythical Creature.  Step # 1: Fold a blank piece of paper in half (hamburger style).  Step # 2: Partner #1 will create the upper half of the body.  Step # 3:  Partner 2 (without looking at partner #1's drawing) will create the lower half of the body.  Step #4:  When both partners are finished, they will open up their paper and reveal the creature they created.  Step #5:  Both partners will work together to color their creature, name it, list their likes and dislikes, where it lives, and any special powers it may have. 

Name: Merbird
Food: All things McDonalds
Habitat: Land and Water (salt/fresh)
Special Ability/Power: Hypnotizes people with its feathers.

Name: Xaphora
Likes: Flowers, Plants, Children, Animals
Dislikes: People, Cities, Pollution
Special Ability/Power: She can grow anything, anywhere, and she is a shape shifter.

Name: Yecking
Habitat: Oogie Boogies Mansion
Likes: Fish and Skeletons
Dislikes: Goldfish
Special Ability/Power: Summons water and fire.

Name: Unasoris
Likes: Rainbows and candy
Dislikes: Children
Habitat: Under people's beds.
Special Ability/Power: Shoots beans and its belly button hypnotizes people.

Name: Mersky-Two Face
Habitat: Lives in the clouds and sleeps on rainbows.
Likes: Pizza, babies, his mermaid girlfriend, swimming, food, birds, soda, and candy.
Dislikes: Littering and Pollution
Special Ability/Power: Has two faces, swims 100,000 MPH, can hold his breath for one hour, and whoever he is around will rub off on him.

Name: Snangel (Goddess)
Habitat: Lives in a Diamond Castle made out of awesome-cotton-candiness
Likes: Bagels, bangles, and her dog named Rango.
Dislikes: Snakes and Angels  (which is ironic because she is half of both)
Special Ability/Power: She can make charm spells, able to change her appearance (but likes the original look) makes things ugly/beautiful, has a poisonous bite, and she gets power from the sun.

Name: Teticx Hexddd Equinix
Habitat: She lives in an ice Volcano.
Dislikes: Her stubby legs.
Special Ability/Power: She shoots fire out of her tail and ice out of her hands (which she always has hidden under her sleeves).

Name: Charlie
Habitat: Charlie lives in the trees from North Africa
Likes: Peanuts, boats, chocolate, and texting.
Dislikes: Cheese, green stuff, and country music.
Special Ability/Power:  Hopping, and flying to the moon.

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