Monday, August 15, 2011

The Teaching Palette: Perfecting the Art of Education

I stumbled across the following blog while trying to find new ideas for art integration in the learning environment, and this is what they strive to do:
Our blog is authored by art educators for art educators. We aim to provide a collaborative and resourceful forum where art specialists of all levels can explore professional topics that impact our subject area - from classroom management to tools and techniques to integrating music. We also provide valuable teacher resources and product reviews.  Join the conversation by contributing content or comments. Follow the dialogue by subscribing to our site via RSS or email.

I highly recommend following The Teaching Platte's Blog found below:

The Teaching Palette is a blog dedicated to the teachers who constantly work on perfecting the art of education. The heart and purpose of this site is to provide an environment where the love and knowledge of art education will be advanced.

Our goal is to provide a collaborative forum where art specialists of all levels can explore professional topics that impact our subject area. Our “big three” content specialties include 1) classroom management, 2) music + art integration and 3) teacher-authored product reviews.

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