Ms. Sinclair’s Syllabus – 7th & 8th English Language Arts & Reading
Supplies for Class:
Books Needed: All books for classroom assignments will be provided to the students. There are no book purchases necessary.
Classroom supplies:
Every day: Pen or pencil, and paper. You will also need a Writers’ Notebook to be kept in class and a file folder to be kept in class as a means of saving any class document in the classroom for future reference. Students are encouraged to bring outside reading materials (from home, library, etc.), but are not required.
To be kept on hand: Tape, coloring utensils (crayons, markers, colored pencils), Post-it or sticky notes, scissors, glue, highlighters.
Procedures:Beginning the class: Students are to arrive within the allotted time as determined by the school. When the student enters the classroom, he or she should look at the agenda and prepare his or her supplies as necessary for the day’s activities.
Writers’ Notebook: This is any composition book the student chooses. Students are invited to find a notebook that is “fun” for them. It will remain in the classroom unless otherwise indicated and is meant to be written in throughout the year. It is an integral part of the way the class is structured and should be in class by the end of the first week of school.
Late and Make-up Work: If you know that you will be absent or are not ready for a due date, please see me. Students who are absent will have as many days as they were absent to make up an assignment. If you have special circumstances that will delay an assignment, please let me know so that accommodations can be made. Failure to turn in an assignment without previous arrangements will result in a five point deduction for every day the assignment is late.
Extra Credit: Students have up to three ways to earn extra credit each six weeks. An extra credit assignment will replace the lowest daily grade that six weeks with a 100. The first way is to bring in a school supply that can be shared: a pack of pens or pencils, markers, Kleenex or hand sanitizer, etc. The second way is to complete an extra credit project. Some ideas will be given each six weeks, but it needs to coincide with what we are studying. This will need to be turned in the fifth week of the six weeks to allow time for grading. The third way is to complete and turn in any word puzzles offered in class. These will not be counted as extra credit unless they are turned in the day that they are given.
Classroom Expectations:
Behavior: Students are expected to conduct themselves with the maturity of those who are being prepared for 8th grade and 9th grade next year. They are expected to be respectful of themselves, their classmates, me as the teacher and anyone substituting in my classroom. Respect is shown by thinking of others’ feelings, not using inappropriate language, using polite terminology (please, thank you, excuse me, etc.). I will do my utmost to ensure a respectful learning environment, and I expect you to do the same.
Contact Information:I can always be reached by email at For the fastest response, please email. I can check this before and after school as well as during my lunch, conference and any “down-time” between classes. I can correspond with you most efficiently in this manner.