Unit: 01
Lesson: 01
Suggested Duration: Days 1-7
Lesson Synopsis: Students read and analyze short myths with linear plot structures that represent various cultures, illustrate different points of view, and share a common theme. Students apply reading strategies in order to support understanding of fictional texts. Students engage in the writing process as they begin to build portfolios of different writing, including a personal narrative. They also begin to generate ideas for imaginative stories. Students use appropriate resources and apply knowledge of roots and affixes in order to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
*Students will use this website to play Word Part Games: Jeopardy, Matching, and Fill in the Blank, to better their understanding.
*Student's will use the Author's Chair to share their writing with the class.
*The students need to bring a personal photo from an important event or memorable moment. I will display a photo at the top of a blank page in their Writer's Notebook titled: "Photograph of………." I will instruct students to ask questions about the photo - record students answers - Think aloud and model how to write responses to student's questions, and explain that their questions helped to identify details about the photograph that will help them write. I will model writing, and the students will follow by partnering up to share photographs, question, and begin writing.
*Students will create an illustrated timeline.
* Students will share personal reading habits, watch a book trailer, and share books they like. Students will write "My History as a Reader" and share. Students will make a class poster for books they are reading and illustrate.
* The class will create a Venn Diagram between the two myths (similarities/differences). The students will partner up and create their own mythical creature/God/Goddess, include their likes and dislikes, where they live, name, and special powers. Partner #1 will fold the paper in half and draw the upper body, partner #2, without looking at the top half, will draw the bottom half. When finished, partners reveal their creation.
Unit: 01
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: Days 8-14
Lesson Synopsis: Students read and analyze drama with a focus on how playwrights characterize protagonists and antagonists through dialogue and staging. Students apply reading strategies in order to support understanding of plays. Students prepare for the Performance Indicator to write an imaginative story, specifically focusing on use of conventions to enhance writing. Students use appropriate resources and apply knowledge of roots and affixes in order to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
*I will show a media clip(Lord of the Rings), and lead discussion in order to analyze the influence of visual and sound techniques. As a group, the class will create a chart analyzing techniques. Show another clip, and the student will individually add to chart techniques from new clip.
* I will introduce plays/scripts, discuss how playwrights reveal their characters, both protagonist and antagonist, through dialogue and staging, discuss "Reader's Theater", the student will choose one character in their group and complete a character log in their Reader's Notebook.
Unit: 01
Lesson: 03
Suggested Duration: Days 15-20
Lesson Synopsis: Students read and analyze a novel with a focus on linear plot structures and the central characters' influence on the theme and conflict resolution. Students apply reading strategies in order to support understanding of a novel. Students use the writing process to create an imaginative story using effective literary elements and techniques. Students use resources and apply knowledge of roots and affixes in order to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.