Unit: 01
Lesson: 01
Suggested Duration: Days 1-10
Lesson Synopsis: Students use a variety of comprehension strategies to read and analyze literary and graphic elements in poetry. In addition to the texts read in class, students read independently and record their connections, thoughts, and responses to texts. They use the writing process to create poems focusing in the use of poetic techniques, figurative language, and graphic elements. In addition, students participate in word study to aquire new vocabulary skills by studying words with roots and affixes. Students determine the meaning of unfamiliar words by using context clues and using a dictionary.
*Students will illustrate Vocabulary words in their Wordstudy Notebook to better understand definitions/meaning.
*Students will create personal Word Walls in their Wordstudy Notebook to better understand definitions/meaning.
*Students will use the Author's Chair to share their writing with the class.
*Students will have daily writing appetizers at the beginning of class (prompts, sentence stems, freewriting etc.)
*Students will act out feelings/moods of poems.
*Student's will learn to read and appreciate poetry.
Unit: 01
Lesson: 02
Suggested Duration: Days 11-20
Lesson Synopsis: During this lesson, students use a varietyof comprehension strategies to read and analyze literary nonfiction texts. Students compare an autobiography or diary to its fictional adaptation. Students keep a Reader's Notebook to record their connections, thoughts, and responses to texts. In addition to the texts read in class, every student will read self-selected texts independently.
They use the writing process to develop a personal narrative with a clearly defined focus or controlling idea. In addition, students participate in word study to acquire new vocabulary skills by studying words with roots and affixes. Students determine the meaning of unfamiliar words by using context clues and using a dictionary.
*Students will continue to use their Wordstudy Notebook, make personal Word Walls, and use the Author's Chair.
*Students will choral read poetry.
*The students will read/share all types of poetry for enjoyment and use listening stations. The student use 1 notecard to write one poem/song, the author, why they enjoyed it, and one thing they did to monitor comprehension in order to exit class.
* The students will draft a poem about themselves in their notebook that include poetic techniques, figurative language, and graphic elements. Students use correct verb usage. The student will share drafts with a partner. Students draft final poem, "publish" poem, and display in the room so others can read. Students will also include a self portrait to be displayed with their self poem.