Wednesday, May 9, 2012

7th Grade Vocabulary

Hatchet chapters 5-16

Monday, April 16, 2012


NAME:____________________                                     DATE:___________

An analogy is a type of word problem.  To solve the problem, you must find a word(s) that completes the analogy.  Sometimes there seems to be nothing that is similar between the two pairs, but there always is.  As you do more and more analogies, you discover different relationships that are used.  This makes you much better at solving them. 

One test that a student takes to enter the Master’s degree program is called Miller’s Aptitude Test.  The whole test is solving analogies.  Some jobs that you apply for are not looking for college students, but problem solvers for whatever job you are applying for. Test givers know that students who can solve analogies are problem solvers and as for college entrance exams, they are searching for students who have higher vocabulary.  There’s always a word within the analogy that is a hard word.  If you are ever in one of these situations, take the word apart using your skills of root study.  Most long words are made up of several roots.  You can guess the correct multiple choice answer by knowing parts of the more difficult words in the analogy.

*An analogy looks like this:          A : B :: 1 : 2

*When you say it out loud it sounds like this:  “A” is to “B” as “1” is to “2.”

*There are different types of comparisons such as these:

1.        Part to Whole:   nose : face :: ace : deck of cards

2.      Antonyms:  night : day :: cold : hot

3.      Synonyms:  happy : glad :: sliding : skidding

4.      Description:  sandpaper : rough :: ocean : wet

5.      Item to Category:  bird : blue jay :: season : winter

6.      Rhyme words:   nose : hose :: dryer : hire

7.      Worker to tool:  mechanic : wrench :: programmer : computer

There are many more types of analogies.  Sometimes you just have to invent a relationship (type) that solves a certain analogy.  For instance, there might be one that just counts the letters in the words.  Here’s an example:

                                      nose : take :: apple : happy

*Order matters.  You must place the parts of the analogy in the same order on both sides of “::”.  For instance, if the analogy relationship is “Whole to Part,” and you place “whole” first on one side then “whole” must be first on the other side.

*Try your hand at these: 

1.       dark : light :: ________ : fast

2.      fork : spoon :: ________ : hoe

3.      pencil : writing :: brush : ________

4.      apple : fruit :: ________ : tool

5.      ________ : oven :: pilot : airplane

*These are harder.  Can you solve them? If needed, use your dictionary.

    1.  war : ________ :: turbulent : placid

    2.  distinguished : sophisticated :: fortified : ____________

    3.  George Washington : President :: Monet : ____________

    4.  second hand : pane :: watch : ________________

         (Did you get #4? If the analogy is “Part to Whole, yes, they can have both

           “parts” on one side and the “wholes” on the other side.)

5.       lemon : yellow :: sky : ____________

*Now it’s your turn.  Make up one of each type listed on the lines below.

Part to Whole:_______________________________________




Item to Category:______________________________________

Rhyme Words:_________________________________________

Worker to tool:________________________________________

Now can you think of other relationships?  Make up a couple below and name the type of analogy you created.

Type:__________________   Analogy:__________________________________

Type:__________________   Analogy:__________________________________

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

8th - Reasearch Paper Project


 To write an ANALYTICAL or ARGUMENTATIVE research paper

ANALYTICAL - In an analytical research paper, you do research to become an expert on a topic so that you can restructure and present the parts of the topic from your own perspective. 

ARGUMENTATIVE - In direct contrast to the analytical paper, your approach here is to take a stand on an issue and use evidence to back-up your stance, not to explore or flesh out an unresolved topic. 


Ø     Analytical or Argumentative research paper

Ø     Any subject matter of interest

Ø     Three, four, or five pages [excludes title page, visuals, Works Cited]

Ø     Two or three sources

Ø     Visuals, diagrams: optional

Must Haves:

Ø     Paper: 1 inch margins-Left, Right, Top, Bottom

Ø     Font size: 12

Ø     Title Page:

   Title (middle of page), Name + Date (Lower Right)

Ø     Note cards + source cards

Ø     Outline

Ø      Rough draft

The above website is offered as a guide to successful research.

1. Select a general topic that interests you in some way.

2. List key words to help you look up information about the topic.

3. Go to an encyclopedia, or other reference source, to get an overview of the topic.

4. Make source cards for whatever sources you will use for information.

5. Using the general overview, begin to focus the topic into something you can cover well.

6. Write a statement of purpose about the focused topic.

7. Brainstorm questions about the focused topic.

8. Group questions under similar headings.

9. Add any new questions you can think of under those headings.

10. Repeat step 2, listing more key words from your newly focused topic and questions.

11. Make a list of possible sources that can answer your questions. Identify the best sources to use.

12. Find the sources in the library, on the computer, etc. Make a source card for each one you use.

13. Begin making note cards. Use your brainstormed questions to guide your note taking.

14. Change your statement of purpose into a draft thesis statement.

15. Make an outline of your headings.

16. Refocus your thesis statement if necessary.

17. Write the body of your paper from your notes.

18. Cite any necessary information with parenthetical citations.

19. Write your introduction and conclusion.

20. Write your Works Cited (it is similar to a bibliography).

21. Create a title page.

22. Evaluate your work.

23. Turn in your paper on time.

8th - Helpful Websites for Reasearch information

Helpful Websites



    8th - How To Write a Bibliography

    8th - How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Research Paper

    8th Grade - How To Research a Paper

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012


    Root Words

    Many words are formed by adding a prefix and/or a suffix to a root word.  For example, the word transportation is port plus the prefix trans- and the suffix -ation.

    Add prefixes and/or suffixes to each of the root words below to form five words.  Use a dictionary to check your spelling and add a definition for each one.

    1. oper  (work)
    2. ped  (foot)
    3. sect  (cut)
    4. tele (far)
    5. therm (heat)
    6. vis, view, vid  (see)
    7. vit, viv  (life)

    Dictionary Scavenger Hunt

    1. Write the name of the dictionary. ___________________________________________________

    2. In what year was the dictionary published? ___________________________________________________

    3. What is the first word listed in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________

    4. What is the last word listed in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________

    5. How many pages does the dictionary have? ___________________________________________________

    6. How many pages of words starting with x are in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________

    7. Look up the word one. In addition to being a noun it is also an _______________________ and a_________________________

    8. Look up the word narcissus. It is a type of ___________________________________________________

    9. Look up the word fire. How many syllables does it have? ___________________________________________________

    10. Find the first noun in your dictionary that has four syllables. ___________________________________________________

    11. What is the first word in the r section of the dictionary? ___________________________________________________

    12. What is the last word in the u section of the dictionary? ___________________________________________________

    13. How many pages of words starting with q are in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________

    14. Look up the word azure. It is a shade of ___________________________________________________

    15. Look up the word larynx. Where is the larynx located? ___________________________________________________

    16. Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with m. ___________________________________________________

    17. Look up the word pocket. In addition to being a noun it is also an _______________________ and a_________________________

    18. Look up the word burro. It is a small ___________________________________________________

    19. Look up the word calico. How many syllables does it have? ___________________________________________________

    20. Find the first verb in your dictionary starting with s that has three syllables. ___________________________________________________

    21. What is the first word starting with str in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________

    22. What is the last word in the m section of the dictionary? ___________________________________________________

    23. How many words start with gy in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________

    24. Find the first noun in your dictionary starting with r that has four syllables. ___________________________________________________

    25. Look up the word quahog. It is a type of ___________________________________________________

    26. Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with p. ___________________________________________________

    27. Look up the word stock. In addition to being a noun it is also an _______________________ and a_________________________

    28. Look up the word haddock. It is a type of ___________________________________________________

    29. Look up the word radioactivity. How many syllables does it have? ___________________________________________________

    30. Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with g. ___________________________________________________

     31. Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with d that has two syllables. ___________________________________________________

    32. Find the first verb in your dictionary starting with c that has two syllables. ___________________________________________________

    33. Look up the word fuselage. It is a part of an ___________________________________________________


    Monday, February 20, 2012

    Personal Narrative Essay - 7th Grade

                Students are to write a personal narrative from the perspective of a Mythological character.  They can either create a story, told from one of the twelve great Olympian’s point of view, or retell a story read in class, through the point-of-view of a character in the story.  Students must include at least five facts from any of the Myths we have read.  Students are expected to write well-organized narratives with descriptive language.  They are also expected to keep all parts of the writing process, as well as this rubric for their final paper.  The grading rubric is as follows:


    Accuracy of information                                          20
    -Is the information that you used from the book, accurate in your story?  How much information from the book did you use?
    Organization                                                             25
    -Does your narrative have a beginning, middle, and end?  Does it move along nicely or is it hard to follow?
    Content                                                                      25
    -Does your narrative contain similes, metaphors, and other forms of descriptive language or is it bland?
    Grammar                                                                   10
    -Is your narrative relatively free of grammatical errors?
    Rough drafts                                                             10
    -Have you included all your rough drafts, with corrections on them?
    Outline                                                                        5
    -Have you included a detailed and organized outline?
    Brainstorm                                                                 5
    -Have you included a fully developed brainstorm?
    Rubric                                                                        +5

    -Five extra credit points for including the rubric.

    Total                                                                           100


    Wednesday, February 15, 2012

    Tuesday, February 14, 2012

    Idioms from the Heart

          Have you ever wondered why we often write and talk about the human heart as if it were an emotional being with a distinct personality? We boast that we know the words of a song by heart, suggesting that it has mental abilities. We find it in our heart to help someone in need, indicating that it has the capacity to care about another. And, alas, a snub from one’s sweetheart can break one’s heart. It’s like we completely forget that the major function of this hard-working organ is to pump blood.
         Understanding our off-track thinking requires that we go back in time—way back!

         The heart, it seems, has enjoyed a place of prominence throughout recorded history. Four thousand years or so ago ancient Egyptians thought part of the soul lived in it. When preparing a mummy, they carefully preserved the heart and put it back in the body or stored it in jars along with other organs. They didn’t think much of the brain, however, so they pulled it out through the nostrils and threw it away.

         Fast forward a couple thousand years to ancient Greece, where early physicians and philosophers argued about which organ produced human thought and emotion. Many were certain it was the heart. As for the brain, some Greek thinkers characterized it as no more than a cooling system for the blood or as a delicate, airy "spirit" that kept the all-important heart working properly. Some contended that the brain might be just as crucial, but most Greek doctors continued to insist that the heart was responsible for human emotions and personality traits.

         Thus, the debate rolled along for centuries before people finally understood the specific connections and functions of both organs.

         Still, even with modern technology and thousands of years of learning at our disposal, many antiquated ideas about the heart are still hanging around. They show up constantly in our language as idioms—those versatile words and phrases that allow us to say one thing and mean another. To declare, for example, that Mr. Anderson is a strict teacher, but he has a heart of gold, doesn’t mean that his heart is constructed of precious metal. Rather, the statement refers to his kind and generous nature, and it attributes its origin to his heart. And so, without thinking about it, we perpetuate ancient misconceptions about the heart. Fortunately, it’s one of the idiosyncrasies that make our language intriguing and fun to use.

    Thursday, February 9, 2012

    IDIOMS - 8th Grade

    An idiom is a phrase that is made up of words which can't be understood by literal, or ordinary, meaning. For example, the idiom, or expression, "hit the road", has nothing to do with going out your door and smacking your street. It really means "go away".

    Below is a list of some common idioms and their actual meanings.

    Actual Meaning
    Cross that bridge when you come to it.

    Don't worry about problems until they actually happen.
    hit the hay
    go to bed
    raining cats and dogs
    raining hard
    on cloud nine
    very happy; joyous
    once in a blue moon
    almost never; not very often

    One a separate sheet of paper, write the idiom found in each sentence and next to it, the actual meaning. You will need to use context clues to figure out the real meanings if you have never heard of the idiom before.

    1. If you don't hand in your report, you will miss the boat for an "A".

    2. Tomorrow is Jack's surprise party, so don't let the cat out of
    the bag when you see him.

    3. When Erin didn't do her homework and failed the quiz, her mom
    hit the roof.

    4. Joe is down in the dumps since his friend moved away.

    5. Mary wasn't paying attention and seemed out in left field when
    the teacher called on her.

    6. George said I would lose, but since I didn't, he will have to eat his

    7. You shouldn't spend an arm and a leg on a foolish video game!

    8. He went out on a limb and asked the principal if he could miss
    class to go to the party.

    9. All I said was I didn't feel like doing my work and the teacher
    jumped down my throat.

    10. When Sara didn't turn in her project, her "A" went down the

    Tuesday, January 31, 2012

    8th grade

    The following link is a great study tool for your Vocabulary words.  I posted a few tools below that you may also take advantage of:

    Joy of Vocabulary Ch. 13




    Monday, January 30, 2012

    8th Grade

    Click on the following link to review "Before" and "After"  Words:

    You may choose to take a practice spelling test, "Teach Me", or play any of the free games.

    7th Grade

     Write a well developed multi-paragraph 1 page essay based on the following prompt:

    A role model is a person you look up to.
    Think about someone you look up to. Why do you admire this person?
    Write a composition in which you explain to your classmates whom you admire
    and why you admire this person.

    7th Grade - Anti Words Activities

    Click on the following link to review Anti Words:

    You may choose to take a practice spelling test, "Teach Me", or play any of the free games.

    Monday, January 23, 2012

    7th grade

    Write a well developed multi-paragraph 1 page essay based on the following prompt:

    [Reflecting on School Life]
    Age has a funny way of making changes. It is probably easy for you to look back and see that you and your friends have made some major changes since you left the elementary grades. Your teachers and friends may be different, your school may be different, and some of your interests are probably different. Think back to fourth grade and describe how school has changed for you as a seventh grader. Support your ideas with examples and details.

    Wednesday, January 11, 2012

    Wednesday 1/11/2012 - Joy of Vocabulary - Ch.6 Lesson

    Makes practicing for spelling tests fun

    Students, click on the above link to play word games with our current vocabulary list.  In the section labeled Recently Visited Pages, click on "Joy of Vocabulary - Ch.6."  You may choose to take a Spelling Test, Teach Me (spells out the word and gives you a sample sentence), or Play a Game.  If you choose to play a game, you may play any of the Free Activities on the left side of the page; with the exception of Handwriting.  Have fun and enjoy!

    Imagination...Come Wonder With Me: Expository Writing Prompts for Middle School with ...

    Thank you Mrs. Parker for the following resources.

    Imagination...Come Wonder With Me: Expository Writing Prompts for Middle School with ...: 1. [Personal Goals] Many students have personal goals, such as making the honor roll, playing a musical instrument, or being a top scorer ...

    Expository Writing Prompts for Middle School with examples of well written essays (links below)

    1. [Personal Goals] Many students have personal goals, such as making the honor roll, playing a musical instrument, or being a top scorer in a video game. To be successful in reaching goals, it helps to have certain qualities. Some of these might include self-discipline, determination, or a positive attitude. Think about a goal that you would like to achieve. In a well-developed composition, state your goal. Describe at least two qualities you will need to reach your goal, and explain why each quality is important to be successful.
    2. [Welcoming Committee] Every year students across the state transfer from one school to another. Sometimes it is difficult for these students to adjust to their new surroundings. Imagine your school would like to have a student-run welcoming committee, and it is taking suggestions for helping new students adjust to your school. Suggest at least two ways that the committee can help new students adjust to your school. Explain why these suggestions would be helpful.
    3. [Favorite Hobbies] Many young people enjoy favorite hobbies or activities outside of school. These can include sports, performing arts, or collecting special items, to name a few. Think about an activity or hobby in which you participate. In a well-developed composition, describe this special interest or activity and explain why it is important to you.
    4. [A Special Day] Imagine that your principal is interested in rewarding the students in your class with a special day at the end of the year. The principal is looking for suggestions for entertainment, a possible field trip, or a variety of activities. Think about what would make the day wonderful for you and your classmates. In a well-developed composition, describe the special day and explain why the students would enjoy the day.
    5. [Respect and Admiration] Respect. Singers sing about it. Some people inspire it. Think about someone you respect and admire. The person can be someone you know, or someone you have read or heard about. In a well-developed composition, describe the person you have selected. Explain in detail at least two reasons why you respect this person.
    6. [Challenges] All of us face challenges in life. One challenge might be making new friends. Another challenge might belearning how to play a sport or a musical instrument. In a well-developed composition, describe a challenge that you or someone you know has faced. What lesson did you learn? Support your ideas with examples and details.
    7. [Reflecting on School Life] Age has a funny way of making changes. It is probably easy for you to look back and see that you and your friends have made some major changes since you left the elementary grades. Your teachers and friends may be different, your school may be different, and some of your interests are probably different. Think back to fourth grade and describe how school has changed for you as a seventh grader. Support your ideas with examples and details.
    8. [Memorable Characters or People] The editors of a new magazine for young adults have contacted your school. They are looking for a variety of appealing descriptions of memorable characters or people. These descriptions will appear in the first issue of this magazine. You are invited to submit a description of the most memorable character or person that you have ever met or read about. The editors are looking for descriptions that make the character or person come alive for the audience. Support your ideas with examples and details
    9. [A Memorable Day] Most people have had a day that stands out in their minds. It might have been a day when they went somewhere special or something memorable happened. Think about one day that stands out in your memory, who was there and how you felt. Write an essay explaining what made this day memorable. Support your ideas with examples and details.
    10. [Honorary Person] The U.S. Postal Service has honored many individuals from presidents to singers to cartoon characters, by placing their portraits on postage stamps. Whom would you nominate to honor with a postage stamp? Think about why this person should have his or her own stamp. Write an essay indicating whom you would choose and explain why that person should be honored with a postage stamp. Support your ideas with examples and details.
    11. [An Important Item] Everyone has one item that is important to him or her. Think about one item that is important to you and why. It could be something you found, made, or had given to you. Write an essay explaining why this one item is important to you. Support your ideas with examples and details.