Monday, February 20, 2012

Personal Narrative Essay - 7th Grade

            Students are to write a personal narrative from the perspective of a Mythological character.  They can either create a story, told from one of the twelve great Olympian’s point of view, or retell a story read in class, through the point-of-view of a character in the story.  Students must include at least five facts from any of the Myths we have read.  Students are expected to write well-organized narratives with descriptive language.  They are also expected to keep all parts of the writing process, as well as this rubric for their final paper.  The grading rubric is as follows:


Accuracy of information                                          20
-Is the information that you used from the book, accurate in your story?  How much information from the book did you use?
Organization                                                             25
-Does your narrative have a beginning, middle, and end?  Does it move along nicely or is it hard to follow?
Content                                                                      25
-Does your narrative contain similes, metaphors, and other forms of descriptive language or is it bland?
Grammar                                                                   10
-Is your narrative relatively free of grammatical errors?
Rough drafts                                                             10
-Have you included all your rough drafts, with corrections on them?
Outline                                                                        5
-Have you included a detailed and organized outline?
Brainstorm                                                                 5
-Have you included a fully developed brainstorm?
Rubric                                                                        +5

-Five extra credit points for including the rubric.

Total                                                                           100

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